Hello little lions ! I got WordPress app for my phone (yay!!) it’s already making things easier to update on the go. I’ve got a few fun projects I get to be apart of that quite a bit of sfx make up in them. It’s great for me because I[…]
Hello little lions ! Exciting things are happening one of them being that this short film i worked on last year was aired on abc ! The link is below so you can all enjoy 😘 Watching Second Chance Series 1 Ep 3 1919 in iview http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/second-chance/ZW0406A003S00 Kimba out 😜
My name is Kimba, I’m a makeup artist and I’d like to welcome you to my new website and blog! It has taken me a long time to get this together because well… I’m a procrastinator and also when it comes to having to write anything about myself I generally avoid it[…]